About us

Namaste, Greetings!

We’re a small team trying to re-invent the experience of playing traditional Indian board games. Most traditional games are best experienced when the players belong to multiple generations. Many aspects of these games helps in memory retention, sharpening of the intellect, improve cognitive skills, aids in relaxation.

The main aim of our efforts at innovating the product, is to try and bring very high quality production of these games to your home.

Have fun and feel awesome. You can write to us at rollthedice@inf.in

people @ roll the dice

Smt Tanushri SN

Founder, rollthedice.in, tritā.

Tanushri is an entrepreneur, building products inspired by Bharatiya culture and traditions.

She has been a technologist formerly, and has a Masters degree in Software Engineering. Being artistically driven, she initially built a small business of handmade jewellery which was received very well by patrons across the country.

She has been introducing and propagating traditional Indian board games at rollthedice.in since the past two years, to great success. One of the unique value additions for rollthedice products has been documenting the various modes of play prevalent across different regions of the country.

tritā is her latest endeavour to build very interesting, engaging and culturally inspired activity sets for the new generation of kids across the world.