Alaguli Mane Pellets (Tiny Cowrie Shells)
Alaguli Mane Pellets (Tiny Cowrie Shells)
Traditionally alaguLi mane has been played using tamarind seeds, rosary seeds (gulaganji), small pebbles, etc as pellets. However, storing and maintaining each type of pellet comes with it's own headache.
Roll the Dice brings a very high quality selection of small cowrie shells (kavade) which can be used as pellets for aLaguli mane. 150 cowrieshells will be there with a pack.
About Alaguli Mane
Alaguli Mane also known as Channe Mane is a must-have game for any home. It is perfect for rainy days or lazy afternoons. Unlike other traditional games like Chowka Bara, which can be played by drawing a board on the ground, Alaguli Mane requires a wooden board with 14 pits. There are many local variations of the game, and it has evolved in different parts of India and the world.
Alaguli Mane can be played by one person or with 1-2 additional players.
150 cowrieshells will be provided.